Call for Course Proposals and Platform/Poster Abstracts

You are now able to submit proposals for ABSA International’s 68th Annual Biosafety and Biosecurity Conference. The conference will take place October 24-29, 2025, in Raleigh, North Carolina. We anticipate having 650 attendees and 70 commercial exhibits. The professional development courses will take place Friday, October 24 to Sunday, October 26. The conference presentations (platform/poster) will take place Monday, October 27 to Wednesday, October 29.

  • The Call for Professional Development Course Proposals submission deadline is April 2, 2025 11:59pm Central
  • The Call for Platform/Posters Abstract submission deadline is April 7, 2025 11:59pm Central

If English is not your first language, ABSA International has volunteers from the International Engagement Committee who are willing to work with you to refine your abstract submission. Please contact prior to the submission deadline with Abstract/Proposal Assistance in the subject line.

How to Submit a Course Proposal or Platform/Poster Abstract

For previous users: you will use your login information from the previous year. For new users only: you will need to create an account on the OASIS system. To do so, select “Click here to create a new user account”. You will be prompted to enter your contact information, and to select a new login and password for use with the abstract submission system.

Please note: if you forget your password, you will need to click the link “Click here if you have forgotten your password” on the OASIS login page. The ABSA office will not be able to retrieve this information for you.

  • Follow the instructions as requested by the submission site and complete all submission steps
  • To complete each step, make sure that you have entered information into all the required fields and click the “Continue” button to save your work
  • When you have completed your work, click on the “review my work” link to verify that your submission is complete and appears the way you want to submit it
  • If requested, the Oasis Abstract System will send you a confirmation email once your submission is complete

Course Proposals Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadline: April 2, 2025

ABSA Requirements

  • All sections to the submission site will need to be completed as requested
  • Carefully read the instructor guidelines prior to starting your submission
  • Please be sure to read through all the policy information within the submission sites

The course description is limited to 2000 characters including spaces.

Subject/Topic Areas

Animal Biosafety
Applied/Empirical Biosafety
Arthropods/Plants & Biosafety
Behavior/Enhancing Compliance
Biosafety Fundamentals
BSL3-Ag or Large Animals
Cell and Gene Therapy
Disinfection/Biowaste Management
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emerging Techniques, Equipment, Science or Issues
Facilities/Equipment (BSL-3)
Facilities/Equipment (General)
Facility Design, Infrastructure, Remodel
Field Biosafety/Studies
Human Source Materials Mammalian Cell Lines
Industrial Biosafety
Infectious Substance Transportation
Large-scale Biosafety and GMP Considerations
Molecular Biology
Occupational Health/Medical Surveillance/PE
Practices/PPE (BSL-3)
Practices/PPE (General)
Program Management (Implementation, Management, Assessment)
Public Health
Regulatory Compliance/Issues/Guidelines
Risk Assessments
Select Agents (Agent Inactivation, Programs, etc.)
Synthetic Biology
Training, Human Factors and Behavior

Review Process

Each of the submissions will be reviewed by ABSA International’s Preconference Course Committee. Notifications of acceptance will be made during the month of May.

If you have any questions, please contact Kari DeServi at

Platform/Poster Abstract Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadline: April 7, 2025

ABSA Requirements

  • All sections to the submission site will need to be completed as requested
  • Carefully read the speaker guidelines or poster presenter guidelines prior to starting your submission
  • Please be sure to read through all the policy information within the submission sites

Author names and institutions must be listed correctly in the system. The primary author is expected to be onsite at the conference location if your abstract is selected. There is no option for virtual presentations.

Review the abstract and make sure it is in FINAL presentation format before submitting it. It will be published as written.

Subject/Topic Areas

Animal Biosafety
Applied/Empirical Biosafety
Biosafety Program Implementation, Management and Assessment
BSL-1 and BSL-2
BSL-3 and BSL-4
Cell and Gene Therapy
Complying with Regulations and Guidelines
Emerging Hazards and Risk Assessment Strategies
Emerging Techniques, Equipment, and Science
Facility Design and Infrastructure
Field Biosafety
Growing and Supporting the Biosafety Profession
Large Scale Biosafety and GMP Considerations
Occupational Health
Plants and Arthropods
Public Health
Selection, Operation, Validation of Biosafety Equipment
Supporting Biosafety Beyond the Lab: Hospital Labs, Clinical Trials, etc.
Training, Human Factors, and Behavior
Unique Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Review Process

Each of the submissions will be reviewed by ABSA International’s Scientific Program Committee. Notifications of acceptance will be made during the month of June.

If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Thomas at